Saturday 2 February 2013

e-tail bloggers competition!

Hey lovelies, 
I just thought I would share with you a e-tail comp. Basically all you have to do is to sign up to their website and you can get exclusive promotions and comps! It's great!  This particular comp is to win £250 to spend in urban outfitters! Simply click here to find more information and to sign up! Good luck! Emeli x


  1. Hi lovely,

    Thanks for sharing. Great comp!

    Really love your blog, following you on GFC!
    Hope you come check out my blog sometime =) xx

  2. Hi! Aw thank you so so much, I really appreciate your comments! If there is any particular posts you would like to read please let me know!
    I will be sure to check out your blog!
    Thank you Emeli x
