Friday, 26 July 2013

Dream Topshop Outfit

Hey lovelies!

Imagine if you had unlimited money to spend in Topshop to create any outfit of your choice... it would be heaven! With that in mind I have created an outfit where all the items are from Topshops Online store. 

In my dream outfit I have tried to stick to three main colours, these being white, gold and pink. As I was browsing through the website I came across this adorable marshmallow midi skirt and instantly fell in love, obviously it's a very daring skirt so I made the rest of the outfit quite classy and elegant. By using these pale colours it makes the outfit very summery and versatile. I feel that the white top with it's detailed rose gold and yellow gold collar set the theme for the rest of the outfit, I feel the metallic trend would look lovely paired with the skirt so I added rose gold sling back pumps, a gold cat ring (so cute!) and a gold chain detailed clutch. This outfit is quite pricey however I think it would be lovely for a ladies day, the races or even a wedding!

What would your perfect outfit be?

Love Emeli x

Thursday, 25 July 2013

July Wishlist

I know it's a little late but these are the things I'm lusting over for July. I love the colour block bag and I think it just screams summer, I'm looking for a new pale bag, but I like this one as it has a pop of pink. I think this white and pink sarong from Topshop is lovely as it can be both a scarf or a dress. Shoes, what can I say they are gorgeous Jeffrey Campbell's they can be such a classy yet subtle addition to an outfit. The pale mint green Essie polish looks to fresh, so I think I may have to give in and buy it!

What are you lusting over this summer? 

Love Emeli x 

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

St Michaels Mount* Cornwall


Long time no see, because of exams, trips and just general dilemmas blogging has taken a back seat in my life theses last months, as my personal life does come first. On another note how lush has this recent weather been?! I'm in love, it's so rare that you can walk outside with a skirt with no tights and just a vest top without getting odd looks!It's been lovely hanging out with my friends at the river or gong for meals or anything in this sunshine, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. 

So onto the post, I recently went to Cornwall with my Mum and sister and my favourite place to visit is St Michaels mount, basically you get a boat to a little island with a few shops,cafés and a castle. Being the rebels that we are myself and my family wanted to walk back through the sea, as it usually has a pathway, but the tide wasn't in so we just walked straight through the sea because yolo. ;)

Here's so photos from throughout the day;

Sorry for the photo heavy post! It was kind of wet but humid on the day I visited as my hair is a frizzy mess! If you go to cornwall this summer do go check it out it is such a lovely little place and is well worth the visit! 

Shirt-Primark-Jeggings Newlook- Shoes- Office-Bag- Republic

Love Emeli x

Ps. Check out my haul on YouTube here.